Tasked with the deaths of nine individuals, who, unbeknown to him, made up the ranks of the Templar Order in the Holy Land, Altaïr began a quest to change his ways and liberate the Kingdom from the corruption of the nine. Trottinette électrique pliable – GO RIDE ... J'espère que ça vous conviendras sinon je changerais les détails qui ne vont pas.Je n'avais pas vu que nous avions une nouvelle recrue! His name would continue to resonate through the Order in later years, greatly influencing the lives of his descendants and other Assassins in years to come. Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165 - 1257, 2012- Present) was a Syrian Assassin during the Middle Ages and, from 1191 until his death, the Mentor of the Assassins in the Levant. BIENVENUE à toi et super avatar! Raised to be an Assassin from birth, Altaïr obtained the rank of Master Assassin by his seventeenth year. Ezio Auditore (« Ezio » du grec Aetos qui signifie aigle) est un noble florentin né en 1459 à Florence, fils de Giovanni Auditore, un riche banquier florentin ami de la famille Médicis, et Maria Auditore, une mécène.Deuxième des quatre enfants du couple, ses parents lui cachent la vie secrète d'Assassin de son père et grandit donc dans l'insouciance. Terminé ! Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
Please take a moment to review my edit. The ghosts are crawling on our skin, we may race and we may run but we'll not undo what has been done or change the moment when it's gone.Merci à toutes les deux ça fait plaisir !
Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad est né le 11 janvier 1165, vivant à Masyaf pendant l'année 1191, lors de la troisième croisade. Biographie. « Al-taïr » en arabe signifie « L'oiseau » et « Ibn La-Ahad » signifie « le fils de personne ».
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I made the following changes: Nom : Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad Âge : 22 ans Race : Humain Classe : Assassin (celui du combat rapproché) et épéiste Groupe : (ne rien écrire ici) Rangs : (ne rien écr I have just modified one external link on Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. Also in public(outside Villa Auditore) Altaïr, would be told to be Ezio and Desmond's brother. His bloodline would go on to contain an important figure in the Assassin Order, Desmond Miles. Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (1165–1257) was a Syrian Assassin during the Middle Ages and, from 1191 until his death, the Mentor of the Assassins in the Levant. Ah oui j'avais remarquer pour la baisse d'activité ! He would try to not "rely" on the Dunbar Watch much as he would treat his robes with upmost respect. During his quest however, Altaïr learned of a plot far more sinister than originally believed.
Altair is armed with his longsword, short sword, two throwing knives and his hidden blade.
Comme l'a dit Tifolle si jamais tu as besoin de nous, le STAFF est là!Honey now if I'm honest, I still don't know what love is but another mirage folds into the haze of time recalled. Altair, as he appears on Assassin's Creed Revelations. He would be revived by After his death,Altaïr would be revived by Cole MacGrath, whom shortly after his revival, would be given a special watch, and a place as the Co-Supreme Mentors in the Assassin's Order to help Cole and hisdesendance revive the Creed into a world-wide power. Nous et nos partenaires utilisons des Cookies et informations non sensibles pour personnaliser votre navigation, mesurer l'audience et vous proposer de la publicité personnalisée. Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad is a characther of The Assassin's Creed who appears in the Kingdom Hearts: Night of The War. Completing his mission to kill the nine targets, and cleansing the Order of its treacherous leader Al Mualim, Altaïr rose to the rank of Mentor, taking the Assassins into a new, more secretive direction. En tout cas merci pour la validation je m'occupe de tout mettre en ordre !Vous souhaitez réagir à ce message ?
Altaïr's vision of the Assassin Order was for them to be across the world living among the people and started setting up Assassins Guilds during his tenure as Mentor. Contents[show] Story Sora's Story Sora,Donald and Goofy are enter the world of the Middle East of Syria (assassin's Creed world). C'est dommage ça m'a l'air d'être un bon forum ! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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Raised to be an Assassin from birth, Altaïr obtained the rank of Master Assassin by his twenty-fourth year. And now the floodgates cannot hold all my sorrow all my rage, a teardrop falls on every page. Maybe I oughta mention it was never my intention to harm you or your kin ... Are you so scared to look within? Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad« Tu n'es pas ma cible, je n'aurai aucun intérêt à te tuer.
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