Fives had a thin goatee (while on Umbara, he is seen with a thicker goatee). During the first year of the war, Fives, along with The cadets went to their sleeping quarters, but Fives and fellow cadet Echo went to Shaak Ti and asked for a transfer to a new squad.

He along with several of his "brothers" were enlisted into cadet squad, Domino during the Clone Wars. Also standard for ARCs, he had a double pauldron, a rangefinder, a kama, a life-support pack on his back, and pouches on his chest, kama, and on the back of his belt, along with ammunition for standard weapons on the front of his belt.

After fighting back a second wave of battle droids, Fives and the clone group escaped through a maintenance hatch to the moon's surface. Together with AZ-3, Fives was able to determine that the tumor itself was in fact an While en route to Coruscant, Nala Se secretly injected Fives, barely conscious due to the stress of his impromptu surgery, with a form of mind clouding drug. Rex and Fives discuss what the future holds for them.After boarding in space and overtaking the Separatist Fives and Rex discuss Tup's condition with Shaak Ti.Fives had AZ hack into the security mainframe and activated the intruder alert. However, they are soon correctly identified by a large group of Seeing that there is no safe means of escape Hardcase departs from his starfighter, causing Jesse and Fives to try and stop him. He served as a member of the 501st Legion throughout the war until his discovery of the Order 66 conspiracy and meeting a tragic end on Coruscant. He got the nickname "Fives" because of the many fives in his designation, CT-5555. In the process, he grew close with his fellow clones and fostered strong friendships with the different members of his battalion.

As they traveled through the vent system, AZ theorized as to why a biochip would be implanted within Tup, leading Fives to worry that he also carried a chip, and ordered AZ to remove it. Due to his clone designation, he was given the nickname "Fives."

Like all ARC Troopers, he had additional protective plating below his pauldron, on his forearms, face, and shins.

In a moment of desperation, Fives lashed out against Kaminoan security and fled into the depths of the facility with his droid friend in tow.

It proved a success and Domino Squad celebrated their victory, finally coming to know one another as brothers and a team. Led by Rex, the furious remainder of the two battalions returned to the airbase with the intent of arresting General Krell for treason against the Republic. As Fives and Jesse were lined up to be killed by a firing squad of their brothers, led by Before the general could retaliate, word reached the base that a portion of the 212th had been captured by Umbaran natives who were now posing as clone soldiers. Fives, Rex, and the rest of the 501st leadership debated what to do with the dangerous rogue Jedi they now held captive. Later, Fives, along with the rest of the 501st, took part in a Upon arriving at Kamino, the facilities medical leader, With Tup's passing, Fives was seemingly cleared from his own examinations and ordered to return back to the frontlines with the 501st. The battle was cut off when Rex realized that the opposing soldiers were clones of the 212th, also sent under Krell's orders. However, he was captured and placed in stasis for 50 years.Fives's armor and appearance before and after his promotion to ARC Trooper.Fives began his life as an eager and relatively complacent member of the Grand Army of the Republic. What followed was a desperate and deadly attempt at capture during which dozens of clones died.

Fives ordered them to lower their weapons so that he could trust them, and Rex placed his pistols on a nearby crate. While the teams reunited, Sobeck's security droids amassed in force. To Fives' surprise, both Skywalker and Rex appeared at his requested meeting spot.

Fives and Jesse were put back in the brig while Krell sent Captain Rex and the rest of the 501st clone troopers out to stop the disguised enemies. During the test, Fives, along with his squadmates, noticed that they did not have their ascension cables due to tampering in their equipment by a still skeptical Bric. When they accused Krell of treachery, he admitted he had been secretly manipulating the soldiers all along.

Fives, de matricule CT-5555, était un soldat clone formé sur Kamino au début de la Guerre des Clones. Along with the rest of Domino Squad, he passed the cadet graduation test and was given newly made Echo and Fives are honored by the Jedi as they are inducted into the 501st Legion.After clearing the outpost of the droid commandos (in which Echo is injured), a landing craft full of battle droids attacks the outpost when they fail to respond to Grievous's transmissions. Fives also has the most compelling story for me. Originally a clone cadet during the early phase of the pan-galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, Fives completed his training on Kamino and attained the rank of trooper alongside his teammates in Domino Squad. The 501st engaged their foes, resulting in massive casualties on both sides. In space, Fives, Hardcase, and Jesse successfully destroyed the supply ship, but not without the loss of Hardcase, who sacrificed his life so his brothers could live another day. The animated series went to great lengths to humanize the Clones and give them distinct personalities, and Fives was as much a standout as Captain Rex, Jesse, Echo and Wrecker.

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