0000088387 00000 n
0000021895 00000 n ARTICLES. Die Zeitschrift wurde 1893 von E. L. Nichols gegründet und wird seit 1913 von der American Physical Society (dem Berufsverband der Physiker in den USA) herausgegeben, inzwischen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Dachverband American Institute of Physics. Physical Review Journals. APS has selected 147 Outstanding Referees for 2020 that have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts submitted to the High Energy Physics (HEP) papers published after January 1, 2018 in Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Ken Van Tilburg, and Neal Weiner 0000038713 00000 n
0000019908 00000 n 0000013744 00000 n 0000003825 00000 n 0000025956 00000 n �&g�w��b�z��`��C��+�WM"��t�[��m���"�3O�t��t��αڸvy^�E����U[^�o��z����I��8�C�6��_^�^�1�[�Ƀ�ۣ"ޞ>�nȹWND�s�*��+�0eͯJ�'�3�lV��S��q�Ƕ73�B�a>:�n\��QUϬ�H�c�*�[rŌݦ�L�4��%c��39�R4U�Ζ�� ;��@�*..i � ���D<44, 2�R �H��1 ���A��jh(�`KKCpAp��A�d4�)Hz3P � � (�9��NS�Ul� 0000003547 00000 n 0000039427 00000 n 0000053878 00000 n Physical Review B. 0000024713 00000 n 0000005845 00000 n 0000052922 00000 n 0000014899 00000 n 0000024338 00000 n
High Energy Physics (HEP) papers published after January 1, 2018 in Physical Review Letters, Physical Review C, and Physical Review D are published open access, paid for centrally by SCOAP 3. 0000043898 00000 n APS publishes 15 leading peer-reviewed journals, 5 of which are open access. 0000021084 00000 n Physical Review D covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology. 0 Quasielastic charmed-baryon production and exclusive strange-particle production by high-energy neutrinos D. Son et al. PRD covers experimental and theoretical results in all aspects of particle physics, field theory, gravitation and cosmology, including: Particle physics experiments, Electroweak interactions, Strong interactions, Lattice field theories, … 0000004514 00000 n 0000020228 00000 n
0000106083 00000 n The authors accomplish this, and compute the leading corrections in the pion mass squared to transport coefficients. T. Banks, W. Fischler, S. H. Shenker, and L. SusskindAPS and the Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) have finalized the terms of a strategic partnership that allows MPG authors to easily publish open access in all hybrid and gold Larry McLerran and Raju Venugopalan propose a classical model for the scattering of large nuclei at high energies.From nature’s tiniest particles to waves that traverse the Universe—physicists remember resounding finds from the last half-century.APS has appointed Mirjam Cvetič, Fay R. and Eugene L. Langberg Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania, as the Lead Editor of To celebrate 50 years of enduring discoveries, APS is offering 50% off APCs for any manuscript submitted in 2020, published in any of its hybrid journals: PRL, PRA, PRB, PRC, PRD, PRE, PRApplied, PRFluids, and PRMaterials. 0000071152 00000 n 0000007219 00000 n
0000105888 00000 n 0000038928 00000 n Spotlighting Exceptional Research Physics Magazine provides daily news and commentary about a selection of papers from the Physical Review journal collection with explanations that don’t … Phys. 0000005478 00000 n Physical Review ist eine der ältesten und angesehensten Fachzeitschriften in der Physik. 0000005356 00000 n ���h6�� 0000029843 00000 n 0000014434 00000 n 447 0 obj <>stream 0000011340 00000 n 0000004991 00000 n Physical Review D. Physical Review Accelerators & Beams.
0000007310 00000 n 0000006579 00000 n 0000005599 00000 n 358 0 obj <> endobj Our collection includes the Physical Review family and Reviews of Modern Physics. 0000005234 00000 n for the first time on simulated continuous gravitational wave signals [29] and it was applied to the related long transient signals [30].
0000007363 00000 n The authors formulate conditions for a nonvanishing instanton superpotential in certain (heterotic) Calabi-Yau compactifications and find that they are rarely satisfied.Evgeny I. Buchbinder, Andre Lukas, Burt A. Ovrut, and Fabian RuehleThe authors compute, for the first time, the form factors of the semileptonic Statistical studies of the motions of millions of stars may reveal the subtle imprint of dark matter.A particle physics approach to describing black hole interactions opens up new avenues for understanding gravitational-wave observations.Banks, Fischler, Shenker, and Susskind propose a conjecture to describe 0000023006 00000 n ��Z��t8� Qa�g``�a^����A��mC5�7�7�7X��6h3�2�c�a�����@�VC�'��L,�%�?����`R�hX�p�ˌ1�#@����H�Ӭ*� 0000010950 00000 n 0000021542 00000 n 0000008517 00000 n PRX Quantum. <<91016E2EBB194646BBADE47A1D7F4D37>]/Prev 1234754>> 0000016866 00000 n 0000024506 00000 n Physical Review D (PRD) is a leading journal in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, and cosmology and is one of the top-cited journals in high-energy physics. This collection of seminal papers from PRD highlights research that remains central to developments today in particle physics, quantum field and string theory, gravitation, cosmology, and particle astrophysics.This paper provides a detailed and thorough framework for the process of reheating, i.e., the decay of the inflaton field at the end of inflation that sources all matter and radiation in the present Universe.Lev Kofman, Andrei Linde, and Alexei A. StarobinskyWhile astronomers look for a ninth planet to explain orbits in the outer solar system, a duo explores the possibility that the mystery object is a primordial black hole.For a thermal system with light pions, over large distances both hydrodynamic and chiral modes must be included.
Library subscriptions will be modified accordingly. Physics Magazine. 0000016282 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000008201 00000 n PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102, 022005 (2020) 2470-0010=2020=102(2)=022005(12) 022005-1 Published by the American Physical Society. 0000004355 00000 n 0000003699 00000 n h�b``� ���:�� ��ea����A�����9.���M�q��P%M��L�*��VW�w�,]�1���ȸ�7P�mk�4n�M>�Ѯ��SO�ǭ�2K?�z{zߜ��u_o��oUұV��i�y$3X�e�d1�P�����G��Y�8�N�ѳ��%'6->Ѷ�����{��x_�L8:i[��2�����e�&j��^|��(��n5��A�x"����㻳���܋OJg� Physical Review Letters (PRL), established in 1958, is a peer reviewed, scientific journal that is published 52 times per year by the American Physical Society. 0000017125 00000 n Highlights; Recent; Accepted; Authors; Referees; Search; Press; About; Volume 28, Issue 9 1 November 1983. 0000016046 00000 n
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