If there is an check mark next to Work Offline, you're off line. It was as simple as switching the router off and on and not a Thunderbird problem at all. In this case, make sure Thunderbird is closed and access the Firewall, block Thunderbird, ok it and then access Firewall again and set to allowed. You can either specifically permit the current version of Thunderbird, or check by temporarily disabling your security software by restarting Windows in Safe Mode. Some security software identifies a permitted application by creating a checksum or hash of its executable component, and allowing the application only if its checksum or hash remains unchanged. The Firewall should then pick up the updated version. Thunderbird gets the server settings via different means, each of which is intended for different cases: ISPDB The ISPDB is a central database, currently hosted by the Thunderbird project, but free to use for any client. Any other programs are still connecting to the internet, although I started to have trouble with the Ecosia search engine at the same time as well. Bokarati Lorsque ce paramètre est activé, Thunderbird stockera une copie locale de chaque message sur votre ordinateur, vous permettant de lire les messages hors connexion. What I did: In many cases, people should be able to download and install Thunderbird, enter their real name, email address and password in the Account Setup Wizard and have a fully functioning mail client and get and send their mail as securely as possible.This document describes how Autoconfiguration in Thunderbird works, and what to do to allow mail servers to be autoconfigured.Thunderbird gets the server settings via different means, each of which is intended for different cases:All the lookup mechanisms use the email address domain as base for the lookup. Any other pages were accessible without any problem, only Mozilla.org didn't work. This is really weird. thank you very much for your answer. If you don't see a small two-computer icon on the bottom left of your Thunderbird window, your Status Bar is not turned on. my Thunderbird does not connect to the internet anymore. Thunderbird didn't connect, though. It contains settings for the world's largest ISPs. You need to start a new thread for your problem.Fix slowness, crashing, error messages and other problems DNS records):To make the Version without an autoconfig DNS Entry work you have to make sure that example.com points to the Webserver you will place the config-v1.1.xml on.You set up a web server bound to a physical IP address.

Really nothing. If you haven’t already created an account, you will be prompted to do so after signing in. If Thunderbird is already set as allowed then the Firewall is probably not recognising the updated version. Toutefois, des problèmes graves peuvent se produire si vous modifiez le Registre de façon incorrecte. There is a icon on the Status Bar that shows when Thunderbird is connected - or I guess in your case that shows when Thunderbird THINKS it's connected. If there is an check mark next to Work Offline, you're off line. Doesn't download emails, though. Internet connection. No connection since then. Again, if it's not there, hit F10, and then select File > Work Offline.

Import/Export. I know. I don't know how or why, because I didn't change anything. Cheers, Can it be because I installed Thunderbird also on my other laptop and restored a backup the of my first laptop? 1st, Thunderbird managed precisely ONCE to connect. in case anybody else is suffering a problem like mine: I found the solution. Then started Thunderbird. Dig into the knowledge base, tips and tricks, troubleshooting, and so much more. Please ask me what I forgot in the description of the problem. Ex: Je tape "pso", et ça me le remplace par "Pôle Socioculturel". I tried to find some solution here on the forums and read about the Add-on test. This may be on the same machine as other web servers, but the web server must be configured to the content to any requested domain.Place the configuration file at the URL /mail/config-v1.1.xml on that host.If you like to use name-based virtual hosts you probably don't want to setup the autoconfig subdomain for every domain of your customers.If you use nginx, you can easily add a subdomain to all your Domains, which does the same as above.

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thunderbird connexion automatique