(2% chance for the end of room drop to become a trinket)• If a trinket has been smelted, it won't appear a second time unless the entire trinket pool is exhausted or you restart the run (e.g. be stored in the Jar and can be spawned again using the spacebar.• If used in a Black heart or Eternal heart super secret room, it will spawn the relevant heart.
with Brimstone it fires 10 lasers)• Turns your tears into bones, which shatter into 1-3 smaller bone shards upon hitting any object or enemy.• The smaller bone shards deal damage equal to half your normal tear damageUNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Lazarus.• Allows Isaac to carry two cards, runes or pills (or any combination of these) at the same time.UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Greedier Mode with The Lost.• Each time you take damage from any source, Cone Head has a chance to prevent it from reducing your health (similar to the Infamy item)• Isaac flashes blue very briefly when damage is negated by this item* northernlion, nl, northern lion, ryan letourneau, egg, egg father, egg daddy, dad, BALD, northernlion's head resembles an egg much like this item, isn't that hilarious?, pink• Gives you an extra trinket slot (same effect as Mom's Purse)• Isaac's tears have a random chance to be a booger instead, which stick on to enemies and deal periodic poison damage until they die• Each tick of poison damage is equal to your normal tear damage• Each booger persists until the enemy is dead or 60 seconds has passed• Adds a chance to shoot a concussive tear, which will cause enemies to walk around dazed in confusion.• The daze effect is effectively permanent for normal enemies, and has a much longer duration for bosses compared to other status effects• The visual effect of a Glaucoma tear is hard to notice, however it is slightly lighter than normal tears and is not a perfect circle shape
* item room, treasure room, item room pool, blood drop, red blood, drip• Gives Isaac a guaranteed devil or angel room on every floor they can appear, even if you have already beaten the boss and it didn't show up originally.• Taking the Goat Head (or any other item) in a Devil Deal bars you from encountering Angel Rooms naturally. Monstro's Lung or Soy Milk).UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Boss Rush with Eve. Versand. rocks).
$13.80 + $3.72 shipping . * item room, treasure room, item room pool, bloody, silver, grey, gray, sharp* secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, smile, face, grinning, doitfgt• Possible tear effects: Fire Mind, Spoon Bender, My Reflection, head. pool, , dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, shop room pool, $13.80 ... International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges. * shop room pool, shop item pool, blue candle, grey, gray, silver, lamp, lantern• Upon use, re-rolls all pickup consumables in the current room into another random kind of pickup.• This includes hearts, bombs, keys, coins, pills, tarot cards, chests and trinkets.UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Chest with Isaac. However, If you also have flying you will always take damage. * item room, treasure room, item room pool, eyeball, white, circle, cataract• A familiar fly that can be moved around via use of the arrow • Prevents Isaac from taking any damage, but instead summons a injection, the lost item pool, red* demon beggar pool, demon judgement pool, devil Proptosis, Number One, Mom's Contacts or Dark Matter. If you have 1 or less heart containers, this pill becomes Health Up• Hematemesis - Empties all but one red heart container and spawns 1-4 red hearts on the floor• I can see forever - Opens secret room and super secret room entrances on the current floor• I found pills - Changes the appearance of Isaac's face for the current room (Cosmetic change only)• Lemon Party - Spawns a large yellow pool on the floor around you, damaging enemies which walk in it• Paralysis - Prevents you from moving for a short while• Pheromones - Applies the charm effect to all enemies in the room for a short while• Puberty - Causes Isaac to grow hair for the rest of the run. * astrology, astronomy, item room, treasure room, item room pool, cyan, black, blue, glow, n, tail• Leaves a trail of tears on the floor behind Isaac which damages enemies that walk over it for 2 damage per tick.• One of the twelve zodiac items available in the game. * item room, treasure room, item room pool, mushroom, blue, spotted• Adds several instances of The Bible item into the Boss Room, Shop, Beggar, Secret Room, Gold Chest and Devil Pools.
likely).• The chance to get an invincibility shield is affected by your in an Angel room, this will spawn 2 Angel room items)• Starts with 0 charge and requires 12 charges to useUNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Eden.• Every time you use a pill, Acid Baby will poison all enemies in the room, dealing double your tear damage to each of them• A familiar fairy that will float around the room and highlight the location of any secret room doors, tinted rocks or trapdoors under rocks spray, brown, white, yellow * item room, treasure room, item room pool, red, white• When you take damage, this item recharges one room's worth of charge to your spacebar item.• For example, with the D6 you would need to take damage 6 times to fully recharge it. In Afterbirth+, taking 3 of this pill gives the Adult transformation• Pretty Fly - Gives Isaac +1 fly orbital, which blocks enemy projectiles and damages fly-type enemies on touch• R U a wizard? * golden chest pool, gold chest pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bob sloth, - Destroys all poops in the room and spawns a blue attack spider on every destroyed poop• Infested? Preise inkl. • Isaac also grows a horn on his head, which causes you to deal contact damage to enemies by running into them (this effect deals base damage of 3.5)• When used, will spawn a fly turret that doesn't move and fires tears at nearby enemies• The fly's bullets deal 2 damage each and do not scale with your own damage statUNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Ultra Greed as Apollyon.• At the start of each new hostile room, you have a chance to gain a random charmed familiar which will fight for you• The charmed enemy has its own health bar and will die if it takes enough damage• Charmed enemies persist between each room and floor for as long as they stay alive• Allows you to have more than one charmed familiar at a time if you can keep them alive• Every time one of your tears hits an enemy, it has a chance to start bleeding, which will cause it to take damage equal to 10% of its maximum health every 5 seconds.• Damaging enemies from behind gives the bleed effect a 100% chance to apply• The tear that inflicts the bleed effect also deals double damage• The bleed effect cannot be applied to immune enemies (e.g. * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, * library pool, library room, book room pool, secret room pool, devil pool, devil room pool, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, poop, face, brown• If Isaac stands still for a second, he turns to stone, making him invincible until he moves again.• This item is a reference to the Tanuki suit in Super Mario 3. Variation an der Kasse je nach Lieferadresse.
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