I love my SP2022 and take every opportunity to tout its budget awesomeness. Everything else is great. Destockage Games, le spécialiste des Airsoft Les Répliques de poing airsoft Repliques co2 pas chers, neufs et en destockage. Just google “Buds Gunshop sucks” or check out this scam they pull on complaintboards.com. Eats any ammo, but some of the wolf ammo gets jammed in the mags due to the rough metal they use for the mags. Dependable when it matters? I shoot good groupings, and I am far from the best shot, so I don’t know what others are talking about it being inaccurate. Worth every penny but, like all Sigs, had a looooong DA trigger pull and very high bore axis, resulting in a very jumpy muzzle. I wasn’t competitive in the local Monday night pistol league with the oem sights not being easily adjusted and all. Le Sig built the SP2022 for a service lifetime of 20 years, hence the model designation. I paid $412 for it back in 2000 and they are still around $400 – to $500 13 years later. Two months later they said they are busy and I will get my gun back after they look at it and decide it is a warranty issue. I learned to shoot on it and loved almost everything about it (I don’t carry) from ergonomics to accuracy to ease of maintenance. Then there’s the mile high bore axis and 3.9 barrel in a gun with an overall length of 7 and a half inches.Yeah, forget concealed carry.My advice? Now you get a cardboard box with a pistol and ONE mag. Glock isn’t the king of guns, not saying Sig is but get over yourselves with the “Glock is king” mentality. However, all that I have read from previous shooters; said it shoots low……On this thought.
The trigger is not my favorite but with practice I feel more comfortable with it. It hasn’t replaced the Glock 17 as my go-to recommendation for first time 9mm handgun owners, but I’m thinking about it .
Sig’s redesigned the The SP2022 comes with a standard Picatinny rail on the front for all your accessories needs.I’m not a fan of the Sig’s loaded chamber indicator (LCI). The issue with this indicator is that it pops up really high and can actually mess up good sight alignment and sight picture when using the sights. Sadly I no longer have either; I traded one with some cash for a Browning Citori. The Sig has a hammer and true DA/SA action. The reason this gun got the reputation it did was because of the first German-made SP2022s that came ashore as contract overruns which is why they sold at such a great price.
I can’t say the same about my Glock 23.The 2022 is heavy enough to mitigate the 40 S&W recoil using 180 gr rounds, comes right back on target, but light enough to carry all day IWB.The 2022 has been very accurate for me and the trigger is very good for a DA/SA.I often carry, and entrust my families safety to the reliability of my SIG 2022.Sig is NOT a quaility firearm.
And if you do, pay up. I was looking at the cz-p07 which is a great gun, but I could only find it for 500$. I ran a bunch of different loads off my single stage press and concluded that the pistol and I were just not going to get along.I picked one up on special at Turners here in sunny southern Kommiefornia….$469 for the .40 with nite sites. Do their holsters leave slight Kydex wear marks on the trigger guard?For forty five years I’ve carried 1911s and Browning Hi Powers. 1st and last sigWhen someone calls a Sig a “piece of garbage”, my first thought is not, “thanks for the warning”, its “What is wrong with this guy”? However this gun is well worth the money and it has chambered, fired and ejected every round so far without fail. That’s because it uses a 1911-like system to hold everything together. And yet, at their low price, they’re understandably selling like hotcakes.No wonder. Compare that weight to an all metal but lighter CZ-P01 or a polymer FNX-9. Having shot a same setup HK P30L, I can tell you the HK is a bit better trigger wise but not leaps and bounds.
Use a “combat hold” where the sights cover the bulls eye or center of the target.
and the owner hooked me up with 3 spares for $20 each. In fact, the sexy Sigs made the top 20 list for the best selling guns.Price has a lot to do with it.
Heckler & Koch est l'un des premiers fabricants au monde d'armes à feu portatives, bien enraciné dans son site en Allemagne. I understand the political angle you’re putting in there and it might not suit your aesthetics, but BS’ing that a bad guy can use it to tell if your gun is loaded is just pushing it too far.Agreed.
.The SP2022’s slide stop extends past the trigger. High quality at a low price? So I just purchased the rear sight and had it sent to me figuring I have my local gunsmith install it for 40 bucks which they had no problem with me doing so. I carried the issue Beretta Brigadier in 40cal while in the Immigration Service and then switched to the issue HK P2000 in 40cal with Customs & Border Protection and they do not compare for quality, price, ergonomics or accuracy to a SIG PRO.
You can make a cup of coffee (and take it to the condiment bar) in the time it takes the SP2022’s trigger to reset.
Anyway, I went to sight my new sig in or see how it shoots (fixed sights) well found the trigger pull to be a football field long but that again is my fault. La série des pistolets Sig-Sauer SP (Sig Pro) comporte de nombreux modèles et variantes. I am a big guy, and a ccw instructor, I doubt pushing hard enough was the issue. The break is nowhere near as crisp as the P220’s, which ain’t exactly a fresh carrot. I bought one (in Cali even) with night sights and no LCI for $379 in .40 S&W. I don’t care if it is the most accurate 9mm ever made, that lever and pin has got to go.There’s a pretty awesome deal for this gun right now… $350 + free shipping.Not all SP2022 pistols have loaded chamber indicators.
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