Eine Kiste war zerbrochen und ihr Inhalt verstreut; Eisengeländer waren umgebogen, die Gleise am Weg aus ihrem Beton gerissen, und ein Stein mit einem Gewicht von mehr als einer Tonne versetzt worden. Gleichzeitig wurde ein Hubschrauberlandeplatz aus Stahlbeton gebaut, um Wartungsbesuche bei schwerem Wetter zu ermöglichen. Whatever the reason for their disappearance, something (or someone) snatched those three men from the rock of Eilean Mor on that winter’s day over 100 years ago.John Gray joined the Edinburgh Police Force as a night watchman in 1850. and that an unexpectedly large roller had come up on the island, and that a large body of water going up higher than where they were and coming down upon them, swept them away with resistless force.”Haswell-Smith (2004) weist darauf hin, dass solche Phänomene sehr selten sind. Die Schienen wurden entfernt und es blieb nur das Betonbett, auf dem sie gelegt worden waren. September 1971 wurde der Leuchtturm endgültig automatisiert. The Isles get their name from a 7th century Irish saint of the same name who is said to have built a stone church (one of the few man-made structures still found today) on the island of Eilean Mor.
In den 1960er Jahren wurde das Transportsystem der Insel modernisiert. But in spite of Eilean Mor’s cursed reputation, the Northern Lighthouse Board set about constructing a lighthouse on the island in 1895 to prevent ships from floundering on its rocky cliffs. die Gruppe Genesis einen Song zu ihrer Geschichte veröffentlicht: „The Mystery Of Flannan Isle Lighthouse“. As the ship reached the landing platform, Captain Harvey was surprised not to see anyone waiting for their arrival. Er glaubte, einer der Männer sei ins Meer gespült worden, woraufhin ihn seine Gefährten hätten retten wollen, schließlich aber selbst durch weitere Monsterwelle getötet worden seien.Ein weiterer Vorschlag basiert auf der Psychologie der Wärter. That is, except for the lighthouse’s log…Muirhead immediately noticed that the last few days of entries were unusual. Poor fellows they must have been blown over the cliffs or drowned trying to secure a crane.” Moore continued onto the kitchen area where he found half eaten food and an overturned chair, almost as if someone had jumped from their seat in a hurry. The telegraph read:A few days later, Robert Muirhead, the board’s supernatant who both recruited and knew all three men personally, departed for the island to investigate the disappearances.His investigation of the lighthouse found nothing over and above what Moore had already reported. Why, in the bitter cold winter, had one of the lighthouse keepers ventured out without his coat? For dinner, meat, and cheese and bread; To keep him company through the winter nights John took a partner, a diminutive Skye Terrier, called Bobby. He ran back to the ship to inform Captain Harvey, who subsequently ordered a search of the islands for the missing men. God is over all’. Es wird jetzt vom Butt of Lewis aus überwachtBei der Ankunft stellten die Schiffsbesatzung und der Ersatzmann fest, dass der Fahnenmast keine Fahne trug und die Proviantboxen auf dem Landeplatz zurückgelassen worden waren. Darüber hinaus wurden am 12., 13. und 14. On the 12th December, Thomas Marshall, the second assistant, wrote of ‘severe winds the likes of which I have never seen before in twenty years’. Since the automation of the lighthouse in 1971, the Flannan Isles have been without permanent residents. Ere they could even taste, Das ungeklärte Schicksal der Leuchtturmwärter von Eilean Mor wurde später von einigen Künstlern aufgegriffen. Lay tumbled on the floor.” Eilean Mòr is home to the lighthouse and a ruined chapel dedicated to Saint Flannán, which the lighthouse keepers referred to as the "dog kennel" because of its small size. However, whether they were swept away by a storm-induced wave or taken by mysterious fairy folk that good old St. Flannan saw, it doesn’t soften the fact that three men were lost. Once at the lighthouse, Moore noticed something was immediately wrong; the door to the lighthouse was unlocked and in the entrance hall two of the three oil skinned coats were missing. Auch der Tod MacArthurs kann eventuell darauf zurückgeführt werden, obwohl er eigentlich hätte im Leuchtturm zurückbleiben müssen, um diesen nicht unbemannt zu lassen. It is named after St. Flannen, a 6th century Irish Bishop who later became a saint. Logbucheinträge am 13. Attribution: Marc Calhoun under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. The Flannan Isles are located 32 km (20 miles) from their closest neighbor, the Isle of Lewis .Steeped in fantastical tales of hauntings, E…
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