On the back is the safe combination. The code is unique to each player. Dishonored 2’s Jindosh Riddle is one of the trickier puzzles you’ll find. Breakdown of each Safe located in Dishonored 2 and their safe codes.
Get inside and find a painting on the wall you can remove. Just check everything u$eable.Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You’ll need to explore the Duke’s room to get the code to bring back to the safe downstairs.So what do you think? Dishonored 2 . One safe can be opened no problem, but the other needs a combination. The code should be The safe is on the third floor of the building, and there are plenty of guards to kill/sneak past/whatever you choose to do. On the back is the safe combination. Exitarnium. The safe combination is on the chalkboard, but you might have to move some items out of the way to see the whole thing.There is a large building infested with Bloodflies and a Nestkeeper.
You can figure out the combination by reading the book next to the safe, then reading a note on the table by the refined whale oil bottle. The code appears to be random, but I can confirm the code is in the shop somewhere. Find the safe nearby and crack it open. Let’s pay him a visit. If you enter through the main doors, take a quick left to find an office with a guard typing at a typewriter. Quelqu'un l'a svp ?Et comment l'avez vous trouver ? You can shut down the Wall once you cross the room by taking the Whale Oil container out of the wall.Continue down this path until you get to a room with two safes and a brutally murdered guard. Edge of the World. Notre site est complètement spécialisé en astuces et soluces. Look on the desk by the door to the room to find a document with the safe combination on it.Head back out and go past the Wall of Light to get to a staircase. Coffre-fort dissimulée derrière le tableau près de la demeure de Sokolov (mission « Le médecin royal ») : 2-9-4 Coffre-fort du Lord Régent (mission « Retour à la tour ») : 9-3-5 Coffre-fort englouti à l’entrée de Central Rudshore (mission « Le quartier inondé ») : 4-2-8 Update 28.2.1 for Warframe The Steel Path: Inaros Prime is out Here are the locations for all of the safes in Dishonored 2, as well as where you can find the combinations Jump back in time again, and put the combination in the safe to open it up.There are two safes on this level, and the first is hiding on the third floor of an apartment building before you get to the palace. The lab will be the building right next to you once you exit the tower. The code for the bonecharm locked in the safe is 297, 298 or 299 The game will also get a free-for-all Deathmatch mode!
- Topic Le code du coffre du superviseur du 10-11-2016 17:15:40 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com There is one safe in the first chapter, which can be found in Dr. Galvani’s lab. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ ... that were on the first note. With plenty of hidden secrets, challenges, puzzles and more. Anyway, once you find the safe, look on a nearby desk for a picture. Once again, stealth is at the heart of Dishonored 2. A combination safe. Soluce Dishonored 2 - Poussièreville. Nov 9, 2016 @ 8:57pm Code for Winslow safe - Bone charm Mission 2 Well looks like the code is actually RNG-ed according to other people, however someone atleast dropped a hint: The code appears to be random, but I can confirm the code is in the shop somewhere. For example, if it said remember Lying Tongue, Wanton Flesh, and Restless Hands, the code would be 2, 6, 3.
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