0000321249 00000 n Centre Etude et de Recherche sur l’Information Scientifique et TechniqueL’Agence Nationale de la Documentation sur la Santé (A.N.D.S)AADL Agence Nationale du développement et de l’Amélioration du LogementANSEJ Agence Nationale de Soutien à l’Emploi des JeunesAPSI : Agence de Promotion et de Suivi des InvestissementsCENEAP Centre National d’Études et d’Analyses pour la Population et le DéveloppementALGEX : Office Algérien de Promotion du Commerce ExtérieurSAFEX : Société Algérienne des Foires et Expositions 0000334031 00000 n Les 12 wilayas ayant une densité de moins de 20 habitants au km² (Djelfa, Laghouat, El Oued, Naama, El Baye… A few other notable cities are Constantine, Annaba, Blida, and Batna- all of which have a population under 500,000.Today, Algeria is inhabited mostly by Arab-Berber people, with 90% of the population living in the coastal area of the north with the people in the Sahara desert concentrated in oases. 0000466112 00000 n The employment rates of men and women with dependent children in the UK, based on data from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey.
On this page: Dataset; Publications; View all content related to this topic: All data; All publications; Spotlight. 0000865315 00000 n 0000434026 00000 n 0000813587 00000 n
0000538529 00000 n 0000368979 00000 n 0000221783 00000 n 0000832806 00000 n 0000764275 00000 n 0000489584 00000 n 205 382. 0000866422 00000 n 0000680478 00000 n 0000753112 00000 n The Government is to launch a new study tracking Covid-19 in the population to try to understand the current rate of infection and how many people have developed antibodies to the virus. 0000312305 00000 n 0000757311 00000 n 0000021092 00000 n 0000700527 00000 n 0000841239 00000 n The rapidly growing population is challenging Algeria’s ability to keep up with economic and social changes while poverty and youth unemployment remain large problems. 0000500981 00000 n This article is about the demographic features of the population of Algeria, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population. 0000363484 00000 n 0000124150 00000 n Admin-based qualification statistics, feasibility research: … 0000473831 00000 n 0000763772 00000 n 0000597168 00000 n 0000472572 00000 n
0000125170 00000 n
0000687847 00000 n 50 424 0000730331 00000 n 0000730084 00000 n On observe une augmentation rapide de la population algerienne depuis l'independance En janvier 20163, la population de l'Algérie est évaluée à 40,4 millions d'habitants contre 12,7 millions en 19654. 0000706271 00000 n Ce graphique est produit à partir de données issues de l’Office National des Statistiques (ONS) – Année 2008 – Le nombre d’habitants précis par wilaya est présenté dans la … 325 009. 0000198875 00000 n The population development in Laghouat as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). < 0000252054 00000 n Trading Economics members can view, download and compare data from nearly 200 countries, including more than 20 million economic indicators, exchange rates, government bond yields, stock indexes and commodity prices.
0000126964 00000 n 0000332749 00000 n 0000702771 00000 n 0000023000 00000 n 0000647728 00000 n 0000770429 00000 n 0000681517 00000 n 0000418508 00000 n 0000502005 00000 n 0000699862 00000 n
0000883151 00000 n 0000676847 00000 n This rate will gradually slow down towards the end of the century. 0000194904 00000 n 0000606270 00000 n 0000804684 00000 n 0000537389 00000 n 0000663676 00000 n 0000834731 00000 n 0000125502 00000 n 0000494111 00000 n 0000146357 00000 n This rate will gradually slow down towards the end of the century.The fertility rate in Algeria is 3.05 births per woman.
0000881858 00000 n 0000542853 00000 n 244 044. 0000442013 00000 n 0000840783 00000 n
0000203149 00000 n 0000559114 00000 n 0000841377 00000 n
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